

Sales Training 101

Sales Training | Successful Selling: Increase Sales: A Key Ingredient To Get More Customers This Month

Wednesday, November 15, 2006

Increase Sales: A Key Ingredient To Get More Customers This Month

To Increase Sales, You Need To Sell Them What They Want, Give Them What They Need. There’s an old saying that you should find a need, fill it, and you’ll get rich.

It’s not really true. You need to find a want and fill it. People don’t always want what they need. They need to eat right, but they don’t. They need to stop smoking, but they don’t. They want to be more healthy. You want to sell them what they want, but give them what they need.

Your prospects and customers are people just like you and me and they’re going to respond to messages similar to ones we might respond to. They’ll get turned off by the same things and exaggerations that we do. Filling their needs and wants typically involves things that we’ve talked about - convenient, long-lasting, time-saving, better-looking, more functional, stronger guarantees, better service, etc.

We never know which hot button is their buying button. We need to test one feature or benefit against another until we discover what their hot buttons are.

Your objective is simply one of matching your marketing mission to the functions of the products or services that your business offers. If your business offers products and services that by design are problem solvers, then you need to use this function in your marketing approach.

You want to exaggerate and accentuate the types of problems they may have because your product or service will solve them. Point out a problem in detail and tell them just how your product or service is designed to solve that problem.

Here’s an example. A diet program. You don’t want to sell the powder or the vitamin, but you want to sell better confidence, better health, greater attraction, and longer life.

How do you uncover their real wants and desires? If you listen, you’ll discover the customer talking back to you in many ways. They might speak directly with you, your employees, the media, or other customers. You have to pay attention. You’ll hear more of what they don’t want instead of what they do want.

They might say prices are too high or there’s not a big enough selection, or the quality isn’t high enough. That’s telling you the opposite of what they really want. However and whatever they say - listen to them! You’ll learn something every time you do.

Take what you learn, produce a direct response marketing piece that you use for lead generation, and then follow up consistently and often to increase sales like you never experienced.

Kenneth Edwards co-founder of KE2 Global, "Anybody Can Start A Business, But Very Few Can Turn It Into A Business That Brings In A Steady, Predictable Cash Flow Every Month." Free Report: Increase Sales With Lead Generation & Direct Response Marketing

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