Top Sales Training Tips and Classic Selling Skills To Improve Your Sales
Entire books are dedicated to closing techniques. However, only a few examples will be given here.
When a dealer asks a question during the close, always answer with a question to get a commitment. Never answer a question in the close with a statement. The greatest master salesman ever was Jesus Christ and he always answered questions with questions. The format of the question would be somewhat like this. Examples:
Your Examples:
This close is self explanatory. In a very positive way you assume that the customer has purchased the product/eval as you give the presentation. A salesman has to have the outlook like he was given the job of going to a sweepstake winner's home to give him the choice of taking a check for $25,000 or a new BMW. You should remember that you do not serve when you do not sell. Examples:
In this close you do something that requires the customer to come to a decision. Since most people have a difficult time making decisions, the use of physical action in the close makes it much easier for a customer to decide. Example:
Your Examples
The inducement to buy close appeals to the "get something for nothing" emotion that everyone has. You tell the dealer he'll get a special bonus if he can make a decision "at this time" (avoid saying, "today" it sounds cliché). Most of these "best" deals will be determined by the vendor. Just make sure you know how to get some mileage out of them. Example:
The secondary question close starts with a general statement and then gives the prospect a choice of two different sales options--both assume that they are interested. Example:
Whenever you ask a question and then follow it with another question, usually a contraction, then you have used a "Tie Down" close. The tie down encourages the prospect to answer the question--getting one more "yes" toward a sale. Also, if they disagree and give you a negative response then you've isolated a "red" light so you can handle the problem before moving on. Examples of tie down words include couldn't, wouldn't, Isn't, etc. Example:
posted by magiclover at 9:18 PM
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