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Sales Training | Successful Selling: Sales Training: Overcoming Sales Objections

Wednesday, November 15, 2006

Sales Training: Overcoming Sales Objections

Overcoming Objections

Most objections appear when a field rep has failed during the presentation to show the dealer how the products meet his or her needs, solve his problems, and fulfill his desires. Overcoming objections is one of the most essential things a field rep can learn. One of the major skills a field rep needs to know in fielding objections is that a customer doesn't always give the real reason they are not buying. In most instances when a customer gives an objection it is merely a statement that they want to know more about the product. They might not realize this is the reason for their objection but a good field rep does realize it.

Treat Objections As Questions

You should learn to treat objections as if the customer was saying, "I am not sold with the facts and information you have thus far presented. Could you please give me more information, so that I might make a positive decision?" Once a field rep learns that this is what the customer actually means, he will find that anytime an adverse statements is made, it is time to shift into "overdrive enthusiasm" and give other examples or tell of additional advantages and benefits of having the product.

Agree With Thine Adversary

Far too many beginning salespeople use an opposition to begin a confrontation--such as starting sentences with "stop words" like "BUT." How many times has it been said that, "the salesman won the argument but lost the sale." Maybe this is what Jesus Christ had in mind in the book of Matthew when he said, "Agree with thine adversary quickly, whilest thou art in the way with him.." (Matthew 5:25) This doesn't mean that you have to agree that he's right and you're wrong. However, it does mean that you can agree with him that you understand his point of view.

Remember another quote when handling oppositions, "A soft answer turneth away wrath: but grievous words stir up anger." (Proverbs 15:1)

Bring It Up First

As a rule, the best way to overcome an objection is by bringing it up first and overcoming it in the presentation. For example, if you were having difficulty with the price of a Bernoulli 90 Box then remind the dealer six to eight times in your demo that, "it is the cheapest and most secure option for clients once they use more than 350 megs and it's ideal for desktop publishers, multimedia, and for backing up servers." By the time you get to the close, "the price is too high" will not be an objection.

Feel, Felt, Found

The famous sales trainer, Zig Zigler, stated:

  • "When an objection occurs, always use the fundamentals of FEEL, FELT, FOUND. It gives you an extra cushion of time and allows the prospect to identify himself with others." Example: "I see how you FEEL! Others have FELT the same way to until they FOUND..." (use appropriate example)

This type of response will soften any objection at the start because the customer will feel you really understand.


  • Dealer: "I don't know if I'll carry AMI Pro because Word Perfect is better."
  • Field Rep: "I see how you feel, others have felt the same way to, until they read the recent reviews in PC Magazine." (read article)
  • Dealer: "I'm only stocking MS DOS 5.0 because DR DOS 6.0 doesn't work with windows."
  • Field Rep: "I see how you feel, others thought the same until they tried it. It works great with windows and most of the reviews agree. In fact, PC World had this to say..."
  • Dealer: "The price seems a little high."
  • Field Rep: "I see how you feel. Other's have felt the same way, until they found out about the 2 for 1 offer that's available right now!"

Your Examples:


  • When answering objections shift into _____________ ____________.

  • What is Zig Zigler's famous formula for overcoming objections: ___________, __________, ___________

  • The best way to handle objections is to bring them up ____________.

  • What is a "stop word?"

You can feed your family, or you can feed your ego--but not both. Explain

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