

Sales Training 101

Sales Training | Successful Selling: Sales Training Is A Journey

Wednesday, November 22, 2006

Sales Training Is A Journey

Much to often I've seen many sales reps give up on sales training after their first couple of sales seminar they have attended, why?

I believe if you are serious in your sales profession (no matter what you sell, small ticket items or large ticket items) you should always, always, always update and polish your selling skills. There are always new selling skills to learn, pratice and use to help you boost your sales!

Imagine learning or finding out about 1 closing techinue that made the sales process that much easier to closing the deal! Or a new objection handling tactic that gets buyers to sign the contract! You should always be on the look out for sales training programs your company offers or sign up to an online sales training program.

I know of successful salesmen that earn $200,000 per year and they have always attended as much sales seminars and keep up to date with selling skills. I just wanted to remind everyone that your skills can always be updated and you can always learn new skills.... that will ultimately help you sell more!

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